Flickr Wallpaper Changer is a small, easy to use, free program which displays Flickr photos as desktop wallpaper.
Even though wallpapers have a pleasant effect on the desktop, the user does not have the time to change it from time to time. The best of your wallpapers become boring as time passes. Hence this application has been exclusively designed to keep changing the wallpapers from time to time. It is capable in displaying Flickr photos as desktop wallpaper by downloading both public and private photos from photostreams, groups and sets. It provides various options and settings to customize the way wallpapers are created and displayed. It also provides the option to set new wallpaper on windows startup, or regular intervals, or manually by pressing a hotkey or double clicking on its icon.
With Flickr Wallpaper Changer it is possible to overlay a calendar, text or info taken from exif/iptc/xmp fields on your wallpapers.